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Well… here it is in a nutshell:

We fell madly in love in 2011 and knew we wanted a life of adventure. In the years following, we blended our families, raised our kids, found new jobs, sold our shit, and moved away with what we could carry.

We embarked on a journey of shared dreams.

The goal was to live a life without being tied to possessions, to focus on relationships and experiences, to be fluid and flexible—ultimately, to have a life of planned uncertainty, unanchored by “stuff”.

We believed that the world was a place to be explored, not feared, and that every culture was rich and beautiful and had something to teach us if we’d take the time to show up and listen.

Together, we raised our children to see the earth as a community—a large family of complex and dynamic relationships—best served by the promotion of peace, understanding and generosity.

For twenty years, we both worked as teachers in a small community in the Canadian prairies. During that time we poured into our schools and we immersed ourselves in the lives of our young children. As they reached adulthood, we knew the next phase of our adventure together was calling.

And one day, we decided to answer.

In 2022, we left our jobs and sold everything we own. And we mean EVERYTHING.

Our home in Canada

It was not easy. We sold our home, our car, and our motorcycles. We gave away furniture, books, and most of our clothes. We paid our debts and terminated our utility contracts.

We no longer had any possessions to tie us to one place. We owned nothing and we owed nothing.

It was a step down a path of adventure, minimalism, and the unknown.

And after all that…

We started this blog.
